About the Green Innovation Connect Seminar in Las Vegas

On August 27, the Office of Honorary Consul General of Japan in Nevada,
Nevada Office of Protocol/Commission on Economic Development,
Japan America Society of Nevada and Nikkei America sponsored the Green Innovation Connect Seminar in Las Vegas. At the Desert Research Institute Campus, representatives from five Japanese companies presented their green products and described how these products could benefit hotels. Before the presentations, experts on Japan, Nevada and green technology spoke on the benefits green technology could offer Las Vegas.

Gayle Anderson from the Nevada Office of Protocol/Commission on Economic Development opened the seminar and welcomed attendees. Kathleen Blakely, Honorary Consul General of Japan, noted Las Vegas has designated foreign trade zones and the infrastructure to encourage and grow business.

Green technology innovations are vital to the community, she added. Tomotaka
Kuwahara, Consul at the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco, noted that green technology could go hand-in-hand with Las Vegas’s world famous hospitality and entertainment. Cherie Davis, General Manager of the Miyako Hybrid Hotel, showed the best practices of green hotels. The seminar marked the beginning of a paradigm shift toward a green economy in Las Vegas. If the community adopts and incorporates green technologies, Las Vegas could become a showcase for sustainable development, strengthening the bonds between Las Vegas and Japan.

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