Purfies Air Naturally


KRM Fan Finish

Air Pollutant Absorption: Eco De Vita™ KRM and Eco De Vita™ KRT are unique interior coatings that are not only nontoxic & low-VOC, but also naturally absorb air pollutants. The products’ high porosity ingredient, diatomaceous earth, absorbs VOCs and odors, and controls moisture. Diatomaceous earth is a soft, sedimentary rock consisting of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. Diatoms’ cell structure forms a high porosity in the material.

Detoxifying Technology: Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT break down formaldehyde into nontoxic substances. They also detoxify other VOCs with aldehyde components such as acetaldehyde and acrolein. In addition, Eco De Vita™ KRT has the ability to break down animal odors that contain ammonia.

Faster Installation: Despite their identical appearance to traditional plaster,

Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT use a nontoxic organic binder in lieu of lime or gypsum. This reduces curing time. The products can be applied by spray machine, which significantly saves application labor. To ease ceiling application, KRT uses lightweight ingredients in lieu of natural aggregates.

If desired, a variety of textured finishing can be added by hand trowel.


Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT offer indoor air benefits as follows:

• Formaldehyde Absorption & Detoxification: The chart show Eco De Vita’s™ formaldehyde absorption performance measured in a 1-liter chamber test. In this test KRM reduced formaldehyde concentration level to 1/7 in 60 minutes; KRT performed better, reducing levels to 1/20 in 30 minutes.

• Animal Odor Absorption: KRM and KRT’s porous surface absorbs odors from pets, people and toilets. A 3-liter chamber odor absorption test was conducted. In this test KRM absorbed 40% of odor in 15 minutes, whereas KRT absorbed as much as 90% in 15 minutes.

• VOC’s Absorption: The products’ surface absorbs other types of odors, including kerosene soot, cigarette smoke and other VOC’s.

• Indoor Humidity Moderation: For the occupant’s comfort, the porous surface moderates room humidity; it absorbs air moisture in high-humidity conditions and releases it back in low humidity. According to our test, in a 12 foot x 9 foot room with a 6.5 foot high ceiling, Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT coatings can absorb as much moisture as equal to near 1 gallon of water. In addition, Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT have fire retardant properties that meet class A in accordance with ASTM E84.


Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT are suitable for educational, health care and resort facilities, hotels, residences and offices where indoor air quality is the priority. Available for spray machine application on both ceilings and walls, the products’ installation efficiency is comparable to paint. Furthermore, with the distinctive occupant comfort advantages over other low or zero VOC paints, and also with the traditional plaster appearance, Eco De Vita™ KRM and KRT are likely to have a strong market appeal.

Yoshiyuki Oyama, General Manager, Shikoku International Corp

301 N. Rampart St#C, Orange CA 92868

T: (714) 978-0347 ext. 12 F: (714) 978-3820

Email: oyamay@shikoku.co.jp

URL: http://www.shikokuinternational.com

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